Monday, September 1, 2008

Where is the Mainstream?

Despite the lacking economy in recent months Mooresville kept chugging along. New stores and resturants can be seen up and down the main roads in our area. Attracting buisness and jobs for all people living in and commuting to Mooresville. It is nice to see new oppurtunity for all people alike and different.
Main street in Moorseville is also seeing its own improvement. The skate park next to MPD is nearing completion. An overview from the town would picture everything from historic to newly built. A well rounded place to live. At least to your eyes.
Recently I have discovered three major groups of people. Those who live here and care about the towns doings. Those who live here and do not realize what is happening.
And then there is category of absolutely no knowledge of corrupt people even existing in local government.
Unfortunately the last group is the future that should be taking hold right now. Instead they don't even realize what is slipping away. What could be ours is sifted through by the corrupt and what is left is given to the public. If the public even truly knows what that is.
We all have a voice. To those living in my generation: While your getting adjusted to the reality of that fairy tale life that never happened. Get ready for a bad case of government flu. Other people live highly off your hard work. Are you ready to take what is yours back?

1 comment:

Steph said...

What do you suggest the public actually do? I mean the way I see it, the reason the corrupt are in power is because of the money and other nice stuff it affords them. and the fact that these politicians are paid so much makes the very concept of a "public servant" laughable. Lol, I wonder what would happen if the public supported a referendum cutting the salaries of those in power? Though I doubt it would be feasible.