Friday, July 25, 2008

Gatton Report Viewers Decide To Assemble

Citizens are finally sick of the corrupt politicians that run their town of Mooresville. On August 4 a march to town hall will be held. John Crone is on paid vacation while he is being investigated. Frank Radar is scrambling to get another Mooresville scandal swept under the rug. Good police officers of the town and truly needy children are the real victims. With the recent exposure of a fraudulent "Cops For Kids Charity", by the "Gatton Report" and "The Mooresville Tribune", the people of this town have been informed. It is time to realize that government is for the people, and by the people. It is not only our duty, but our right to be heard.
According to the Application Permit to picket in Mooresville there cannot be more than ten persons per block. All participants must remain moving and stay fifteen feet apart.
NC General Statute:


SECTION 6. Article 3 of Chapter 20 of the General Statutes is amended by

adding a new section to read:

"§ 20-174.2. Local ordinances; pedestrians gathering, picketing, or protesting on

roads or highways.

(a) A municipality or a county may adopt an ordinance regulating the time, place,

and manner of gatherings, picket lines, or protests by pedestrians that occur on State

roadways and State highways.

(b) Nothing in this section shall permit a municipality or a county to impose

restrictions or prohibitions on the activities of any of the following persons who are

engaged in construction or maintenance, or in making traffic or engineering surveys:

(1) Licensees, employees, or contractors of the Department of


(2) Licensees, employees, or contractors of a municipality."

North Carolina will allow local regulations to be set on picket lines that occur on state roads.

According to the First Amendment no government official may place regulations on peaceful assemblies. Unless the actions contained within the protest: (a) Disturb the peace. (b) Dangerous or offensive actions occur.

"First Amendment freedoms ring hollow if government officials can repress expression that they fear will create a disturbance or offend. Unless there is real danger of imminent harm, assembly rights must be respected."(David L. Hudson Jr.)
This website gives many examples of Supreme Court rulings.

I urge you to visit this website and get informed. A later post will give a meeting place for the August 4 protest of the actions of Moorseville and "Cops For Kids"
I am speaking of John Crone, Erskine Smith, Frank Rader and Bill Thunberg

A chance to take your town back, hope to see you their.
Let us know if you plan to attend.

1 comment:

Jaime Gatton said...

I'll be there! Thanks for linking up to the Report, Andy!